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Simulation Center Trains Healthcare Professionals in Variety of Situations
Cleveland Clinic's Simulation and Advanced Skills Center provides a full range of simulation activities, offering healthcare professionals a rich educational experience.
Nurse Finds a Fulfilling Career Halfway Around the World
Brielle Moreno's career journey at Cleveland Clinic has taken her from the shores of Lake Erie all the way across the globe to her current location, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the Middle East.
Nurse Associate Externship is Springboard Opportunity for Career
Cleveland Clinic's 10-week paid Nurse Associate Externship sets future nurses up for success with hands-on and classroom learning from experienced professionals.
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Nurse Associate Externship Prepares Caregiver for a Bright Future
Cleveland Clinic's Nurse Associate Externship prepared Gabby Repko for a bright future and even helped her land a full-time nursing role.
Career Journey in Nursing Can Begin at Any Stage
Cleveland Clinic's Center for Nursing Career Exploration provides a variety of options to help you on your nursing career journey.
Machinist Mechanic Enjoys Learning New Skills, Helping Others
Shane Karlowicz, a Machinist Mechanic at Cleveland Clinic, likens his job to that of a firefighter. "When something breaks, we fix it," he says. "Or better yet, we catch it and fix it before it breaks."
“Just a Talk” Series Helps Humanize Caregivers
Dr. Ross, Chief Medical Officer at Cleveland Clinic's Weston Hospital, has found a unique way to connect with caregivers and provide an insight into their lives outside of work.
Vice President of Building + Design Values Organization’s Connections with the Community
Pat Rios, Vice President of Building + Design, embraces Cleveland Clinic's built environment and connection to community.
Stationary Engineer’s Career is Fueled by Her Curiosity
Kathy Luhta is blazing the trail as the first female stationary engineer to work at Cleveland Clinic’s Main Campus.
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